Facelifting with Color-this is an exciting technique that utilizes the laws of color to balance out facial shapes and features. By placing depth and light at key areas around the face on the head, cheeks can be defined, wide faces can be lengthened or long faces can be given the appearance of width.
Eyeliner for Hair: To make your hair color ‘pop’, it can be outlined with a fine, deep tone. What you notice is the show case color…the “Eyeliner” is the unsung hero here.
Anime’ Inspired: Bolts of blue! The hair moves and shimmers, and through the texture glimmers a cartoon inspired blast of colour. It’s origins hidden….did you really see it? It’s a mystery that will make you want to look again and again….
Ying/Yang Color: Mild mannered by day, Tandy’s hair is parted on the right, revealing nothing from the night before. She has a secret…the coworkers at her firm know nothing, though they may suspect….By night, her hair is parted on the left revealing fireworks of color. She likes her dual nature and never shall those colors mix.